Jack Rys' third and final feature length film made before his venture into film school, is being shown... Finally. The film is a satire about the drug related violence of Erie and hopefully will bring awareness to the problems around us all right now along with incorperating themes of adolescents and coming of age. The film stars Reed Karsh, Eli Kerr, Luke Weyand, Nick Dzuricky, Carmen Grack, and Jack Rys as charictures of themselves in the setting of a charictured Erie. In a somewhat surreal film using dream logic at times, this piece can be funny, awkward, serious, and stupid. Sometimes all at the same time. Jonny Evans stars as the films antagonist as the drug dealer Sergio. Other key cast members are Matt Boland, Charles Brown, Jason Lespes, Ken Brundage, Malito Proto, Theol Isaacs, AJ Lechtner, and Dommy Doo. This film is not rated as we cannot distribute this due to copyrwrited and is entirely non-profit. If it were rated, it would R for language, drug usage, blood, violence, and some gore. We put a lot of work into this film, I don't know if you will like it or not, but it's worth a shot.
~ all acts are local (Erie, PA) ~
Jess Royer (Acoustic)
Ghost The Ill Figure (Hip-Hop)
Elias, If Only and Naji (Hip-Hop / R&B)
C. Brown (Hip-Hop)
Joose (Alt Rock)
Teatime (Freaky Blues)
SATURDAY, January 2nd @ 5:30 PM
$8 // ALL AGES
Promoter: Jack Rys